My linux world » Maven Survival Guide

Maven Survival Guide


Maven options

Before starting, let’s define maven options:

  export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx1024m -Xms1024m"


To use an external repository, you have to do the followings:

* Define the profiles for the libraries and the plugins:

			<name>my 1st repository</name>
			<name>my 2nd repository</name>
			<name>my 1st repository</name>
			<name>my 2nd repository</name>

* Define the proxy authentification informations


* Define the administration informations:


Creating an archetype

mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=<myGroupId> -DartifactId=<myArtefaktID>  -Dversion=<myInitialVersion> -Dpackaging=<myPackaging>

* myGroupId: for example,
* myArtefaktID : for example, myProjectName
* myPackaging: pom, jar, war


mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=org.mycompany -DartifactId=parent -Dversion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=pom

POM Parent

Reference all your common dependencies/plugins in the parent pom. In this way, it would be easier to manage them.

The pom parent file (copy all in your ‘pom.xml’ file):

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
	<!-- Encoding sources in utf-8 -->
		<!-- Plugin Management -->
				<!-- Maven compiler -->
				<!-- war plugin -->
								<LegalCopyright>Copyright (c) mycompany</LegalCopyright>
				<!-- jar plugin -->
								<LegalCopyright>Copyright (c)</LegalCopyright>
				<!-- eclipse plugin -->
				<!-- release plugin -->
				<!-- buildnumber plugin -->
				<!-- To copy dependencies: use 'mvn dependency:copy-dependencies' -->
	<!-- Dependency Management -->
			<!-- Log4j -->
			<!-- To parse XML -->
	<!-- Reporting, use 'mvn site' -->
			<!-- Javadoc -->
			<!-- Quality code with checkstyle -->
			<!-- Quality code with pmd -->
			<!-- Metrics -->
			<!-- Identify which parts of your Java program are lacking test coverage -->
			<!-- Tags -->
			<!-- Generate Surfire report -->

POM Child

Referencing pom parent


Use dependency Management


Use plugin Management


Usefull commands

Install file in your local repository

  mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=mygroupId -DartifactId=myartifactId -Dversion=myversion -Dpackaging=mypackaging -Dfile=myfile -DgeneratePom=true

** packaging: pom, war, jar
** file: the pom/jar/war you want to install in you local repository
** generatePom: possibility to specify a pom.xml file with the argument ‘-f’

Install file in your remote repository

  mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=mygroupId -DartifactId=myartifactId -Dversion=myversion -Dpackaging=mypackaging -Dfile=myfile -DgeneratePom=true -Durl=myremoterepository -DrepositoryId=myrepositoryId

** packaging: pom, war, jar
** file: the pom/jar/war you want to install in you local repository
** generatePom: possibility to specify a pom.xml file with the argument ‘-f’

Build project

  mvn clean install

Generate a site

  mvn site

Use multi threads

  # add option -T x; x is number of threads
  mvn clean package -T 2

Non recursive

For example, if you only want to build multi-module parent, you can juste do :

mvn -N clean install

Usefull configuration



Now you can use anywere the timestamp in your pom.xml like this:


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