My linux world » Java – Groovy

Java - Groovy



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Evaluate Groovy scripts

Evaluate from script text

GroovyShell groovyShell = new GroovyShell();
Object result = groovyShell.evaluate("return 'Hello World !'");
// print result to the console :
// $> "Hello World !"

Evaluate from File

Let’s deal with the following file :

return 'Hello World !'

Now back to java :

GroovyShell groovyShell = new GroovyShell();
Object result = groovyShell.evaluate(new File("myfile.groovy");
// print result to the console :
// $> "Hello World !"

Evaluate from classpath

Let’s deal with the following file in your classpath :

return 'Hello World !'

Now back to java :

// get reader from classpath :
InputStream in = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/myfile.groovy");
Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(in);
// evaluate reader :
GroovyShell groovyShell = new GroovyShell();
Object result = groovyShell.evaluate(reader);
// print result to the console :
// $> "Hello World !"

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