don't dream your life, live your dreams !
I assume that you have a Centos installation.
You can copy/paste this script and use it to configure automatically your server.
#!/bin/bash echo "create nexus auto-update script" mkdir -p /opt/nexus/bundle mkdir -p /opt/nexus/scripts echo "create user nexus" useradd nexus #remove nexus as a service if exists systemctl stop nexus.service systemctl disable nexus.service # download latest bundle rm -fr /opt/nexus/bundle/* mkdir -p /opt/nexus/download wget -O /opt/nexus/download/nexus-latest-bundle.tar.gz tar xvfz /opt/nexus/download/nexus-latest-bundle.tar.gz -C /opt/nexus/bundle chown nexus:nexus /opt/nexus/bundle -R #set nexus as a service nexusDirectory=`ls /opt/nexus/bundle/ | grep nexus` sed -i "s/^#\(run_as_user=\s*\).*/\1\"nexus\"/" /opt/nexus/bundle/$nexusDirectory/bin/nexus.rc sed -i "s/^\(nexus-context-path=\s*\).*/\1\/nexus/" /opt/nexus/bundle/$nexusDirectory/etc/ cat > /etc/systemd/system/nexus.service << EOF [Unit] Description=nexus service [Service] Type=forking ExecStart=/opt/nexus/bundle/$nexusDirectory/bin/nexus start ExecStop=/opt/nexus/bundle/$nexusDirectory/bin/nexus stop User=nexus Restart=on-abort [Install] EOF systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable nexus.service systemctl start nexus.service rm -fr /opt/nexus/bundle/sonatype-work ln -s /opt/nexus/sonatype-work /opt/nexus/bundle/sonatype-work mkdir -p /opt/nexus/sonatype-work chown nexus:nexus /opt/nexus/sonatype-work/ -R systemctl start nexus.service echo "configure httpd (create /etc/httpd/conf.d/nexus.conf)" cat > /etc/httpd/conf.d/nexus.conf << "EOF" ProxyPreserveHost On Proxypass /nexus http://localhost:8081/nexus Proxypassreverse /nexus http://localhost:8081/nexus ProxyRequests Off EOF systemctl restart httpd.service myip=`hostname -I` echo "Now meet you here: http://$myip/nexus"
That’s all 🙂
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